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The project brief was to formulate our own individual interpretation of the ‘entanglement‘. I started with a physical material process experiment. My experiment was inspired by natural material performance and characteristics and was later on digitalised and transformed (re-made) into a synthetic artefact. The process and the different formless states observed during the experiment were recorded and carefully analysed.

Building Manifestation

The City of Samba (Sambadrome preparation building) car park will be replaced by a capoeira centre called “Centro de Capoeira”. It will be a part of the City of Samba and the new main pedestrian entrance to the complex. It will provide capoeira training rooms for classes and practicing and music rehearsal rooms. An exhibition will be housed in the building where the history of capoeira and afro-latino culture will be exhibited , the first of its kind in Rio de Janeiro. As this is also going to become and entrance to the City of Samba, it will provide an open public space to allow for public circulation entering both the Centro de Capoeira and the City of Samba. The public space will also provide space for capoeiristas to practice outside.

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